Camp26 “JobHouse” Template; Clean and Special Template For Professional Site

We have released a great, clean and very special template for jobs vacancy portal or jobs site, scholarships site, personal/company profile site and available for others purpose (like for your school, housting, hotel, etc).

This November’08 template, we called Camp26 “JobHouse” template. This template support for Joomla 1.5.x & Joomla 1.0.x,  also available the special quickstart (joomla quickinstaller, so you can get the same live site like our demo) at Joomla 1.0.15 and Joomla 1.5.9.

Some featured in this template are;

  1. Unique layout with web 2.0 and clean design.
  2. Custom navigation menu and suckerfish menu (drop down menu)
  3. Tree kind of native switcher; font switcher, color switcer and wide switcher.
  4. Tree optional tipes for font (small, normal, large)
  5. Tree optional tipes for color (original, green and blue)
  6. Two optional tipes for width (fluid and fixed)
  7. Unique advertisement place
  8. Native tabs
  9. Five modules class suffix (-blue, -green, -red, -orange, -nobox)
  10. Unique module class suffix (-extended)